jeudi 21 février 2013

fat burning Exercises at Home for Weight loss

fat burning exercises
Exercising at home is becoming more and more popular as the price of good quality home fat burning exercises equipment comes down, we all lead busier and busier lives which means we don't have time to go to the gym and the availability of personal trainers who’ll come to our home to train us increases.

For those trying to lose weight, working out at home may be the perfect way to balance weight loss aspirations with other lifestyle considerations, including time and money.

If you are thinking about exercising at home, this article is for you. You’ll find some useful information on the benefits and drawbacks of exercising at home and some exercise equipment options and considerations that will be useful regardless of your budget.

Benefits of home exercise

Exercising at home is a good idea if:

  • You don’t have time to travel to and from a gym.
  • You don’t have a gym close to your home.
  • You would rather invest gym membership costs in your own equipment.
  • You don’t like training outside (in the dark, cold weather or rain).
  • You feel too embarrassed to go to a gym.
  • You don’t want to have to wait for equipment or share equipment with others.
  • You would like to be able to exercise anytime you want.
  • You just don’t like gyms.

Drawbacks of home exercise

While there are many benefits to exercising at home, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Here are a couple of the most common:

  • You need to be able to motivate yourself.
  • It can be tempting to continually put off your workouts until “tomorrow”.
  • The quality of your fat burning  exercises equipment is likely to be inferior to that of a gym.
  • The variety of exercise equipment you have will not match that of a gym.
  • Most homes don’t have qualified instructors to teach you how to exercise.
  • It’s easy to get distracted from starting or finishing your workouts.
  • It’s often difficult to find enough "spare" space to exercise in at home.
  • You won’t meet new friends or workout buddies exercising at home.

The importance of planning

While some of these drawbacks are disadvantageous compared to other exercise options, with a little bit of planning none of them need be a “deal breaker”.

Let’s address each of the drawbacks above and show you have to overcome them with a little bit of planning and creative thinking:

You need to be able to motivate yourself

This can be a tough one for some of us. The key factors for motivation include how desperately you want to change your life, how much planning you do and how rigorously you apply your plan.

If you have trouble keeping yourself motivated try some of these suggestions:

  • Focus on habits and the goals achieve themselves. Instead of setting a goal to lose 20kgs, try making your goal to walk every day or to lift weights 3 times a week.
  • Keep a journal.  Writing about how much fun exercising is or about how proud you are of yourself for overcoming obstacles can be very motivating.
  • Read educational and inspirational articles in magazines or on the internet (just like the one you’re reading now).
  • Sign up for a race or event. Now you have a tangible reason to put your runners on - you're in training. Choose an event that's happening about 8 to 10 weeks from now. That should give you enough time to get back in the exercise groove.
  • Find a workout partner. Research has proven that people who exercise with a spouse or friend are more likely to stick with it.
  • Mix it up. Boredom is a big cause of waning motivation. Plan to change your workouts regularly and look for new exercise ideas.
  • Get started. Don’t know where or how to start? Get help from a professional like a personal fitness trainer.

It can be tempting to continually put off your workouts until “tomorrow”

This is such an easy thing to do if you don’t get into a regular routine that becomes habit.

Here are some suggestions to help you avoid this problem:

  • Workout at the same time each day (early mornings are perfect).
  • Workout with someone. If your training partner or personal trainer has gone to the trouble of meeting with you, you will be much more likely to workout when planned.
  • Plan your days so that you don’t have any conflicting activities. If other things compete for your workout time, remind yourself of your priorities.
  • Set a short term goal so that there aren’t too many “tomorrows” to play with.

The quality of your exercise equipment is likely to be inferior to that of a gym

There is no doubt that good quality fat burning exercises equipment makes a difference. As well as being safe and effective to use, having good equipment at your disposal will actually help motivate you.

Unless you have quite a large budget at your disposal, chances are that your equipment is not going to be as good as your local gym’s, but that OK, it doesn’t need to be.

Here are some tips to making sure this isn’t that big a deal:

  • Instead of buying 3 pieces of dubious quality equipment, invest in 1 good piece; chances are it will last a lifetime and you’ll actually use it.
  • Build your home gym over a number of years and add a new piece as and when you can afford it.
  • Don’t buy exercise equipment on impulse after seeing an infomercial, chances are it will soon become a clothes rack or dust collector in your spare room.
  • Buy the best equipment you can afford.
  • Plan ahead. Plan your equipment purchases around your goals and priorities.
  • Do research and then shop around. Know exactly what you want and then try to get it for the best price you can possibly find.
  • Be creative and remember that you don’t necessarily need a lot of equipment to exercise effectively. Start with the basics like a fitness ball and a few sets of dumbbells if your budget is really limited.

The variety of fat burning exercises equipment you have will not match that of a gym

Again, research, creativity and planning are the keys to neutralizing this problem.


  • You can perform an amazing variety of fat burning exercises with the help of a simple set of barbells and dumbbells, or fitness ball.
  • Adding things like a skipping rope to your arsenal will give you options to vary your aerobics workouts.
  • Almost all pieces of commercial gym equipment have a free-weight or body-weight equivalent. For example do push-ups instead of machine chest presses, or dumbbell calf raises on the front step of your house instead of using a standing calf raise machine.
  • You can find an endless array of fat burning exercises in books and magazines (and on the internet!).
  • A good personal trainer will be able to show you more exercises than you’ll ever need for the price of a couple of appointments.

Most homes don’t have qualified instructors to teach you how to exercise

This is true for most of us but doesn’t need to be a problem because:

  • Hiring a personal trainer doesn’t need to be a lifetime commitment, most will be happy to write you a program and teach you the right technique over a few weeks of appointments and then leave you to your own devices.
  • You can always join the gym for a month or two to learn proper exercise technique and then begin working out at home.
  • You can visit your local gym on a casual basis (paying for individual workouts) and while there ask the instructors on duty any questions you have.
  • Most personal trainers offer discounts for exercise group sessions that you can participate in. Learn the right techniques during these classes; ask the trainer questions before and after the class, and save money!

It’s easy to get distracted from starting or finishing your workouts

Here are some useful tips to avoid household distractions from affecting your workouts:

  • If you live with others, exercise when they’re not home or in bed.
  • Take the phone off the hook while working out.
  • Set “house rules” for when you’re exercising. For example, ‘I’m not to be disturbed when I’m working out unless the house is on fire or something equally serious’.
  • Keep in mind that most things can wait, not every potential distraction needs to be handled “right now”.
  • Don’t look for distractions to help you procrastinate. They’re far too easy to find.
  • Remember when potential distractions arise that to successfully lose weight you are going to need to be single minded and focused.

It’s difficult to find enough “spare” space to exercise in at home

As well as having a sufficient budget, having enough spare room in your house to workout is another key factor determining how successful a home exerciser you are.

If room is a problem consider:

  • Investing in a multi-gym. These pieces of equipment have multiple exercise stations that utilize a single or dual set of weight stacks and are designed specifically to provide the maximum number of exercise options while taking up the minimum amount of floor space.
  • It’s not ideal, but an exercise bike can easily fit in your bedroom or rumpus room if you have no other options.
  • If you allocate a room for exercise, don’t allow it to be used as a storage room or spare bedroom full of things that will impede your workouts.
  • Setting up a room for exercise in your home might be a great excuse to de-clutter and have a garage sale where you can sell off the things you don’t use or need anymore.
  • Using a garage for working out. Bear in mind that this is not as good as a dedicated room in your home because the garage is often “out of sight, out of mind”, is easy to avoid if it’s cold or you have to go outside to get to the garage, or isn’t set up right for exercise.

You won’t meet new friends or workout buddies exercising at home

Ok, you might not meet new friends or workout buddies exercising at home but you can:

  • Enhance or rekindle relationships with your existing friends by working out together.
  • Have different workout buddies for different kinds of workouts.
  • Add a new dimension to the relationship with your partner or family by exercising together.
  • Find a trusted friend in a personal fitness trainer.


If you are trying to lose weight, working out at home may be the perfect way to incorporate regular daily exercise into your life.

But as well as having a great number of advantages, exercising at home does have some potential pitfalls to keep in mind before you go and clear out your spare bedroom and begin investing in some home exercise equipment.

At the end of the day, the most important thing about fat burning exercises is that you do some regularly. What type of exercise you do and where you do it is only important from a personal preference point of view.

If your preference is to do fat burning exercises at home, keep the pitfalls above in mind and follow the suggestions to make sure they don’t impede your efforts to become a happier, healthier you.

Best time to do fat burning exercises

Should we be exercising in the morning, afternoon or at night if we want to lose weight and maximize fat loss?

This article examines the pros and cons of exercising at various times throughout the day in order to help you plan your workouts to ensure you burn the maximum number of calories or kilojoules and in doing so move you closer to achieving your weight loss goal and becoming a happier, healthier you.

Morning fat burning Exercises

Some of us are "morning people" and some of us aren't.

Those of us who are swear by morning fat burning exercises. For the rest of us, the thought of getting up an hour earlier than we absolutely have to sends shivers of panic down our spines!

Assuming those non-morning people among us can drag ourselves out of bed at an ungodly hour (especially in the middle of winter); there is another hurdle to be overcome - the thought of exercising on a totally empty stomach!

Putting this aside for a moment, there are some good reasons to exercise in the morning and also some very good reasons why it might not be a great idea.

Let's have a look at each of these under the headings of pros and cons.

Morning exercise pros

do fat burning exercises  in the morning can:

  • Get our metabolisms off to a flying start helping us burn more calories throughout the day
  • Promote more fat burning because our depleted glycogen stores force our bodies to turn to fat
  • Produce endorphins that stimulates us and helps us get off to a positive start to the day
  • Act like a cup of coffee and wake us up
  • Help us exercise more consistently by minimizing distractions
  • Can create time for exercise by forcing us to get up a bit earlier
  • Improve energy levels for the rest of the day ahead
  • Improve our mental sharpness for hours after
  • Allow us to exercise unaffected by summer heat
  • Minimize our exposure to air pollution exercising outside
  • Make it easier to get on machines in the gym without waiting and when time limits don't apply
Morning exercise cons

As well as having many positives, morning fat burning exercises also has some negatives.

Included in these are the facts that morning exercise can:

  • Force us to workout with less than optimal energy levels
  • Promote injuries by forcing us to workout with cold, stiff muscles
  • If exercising before eating, muscle (as well as fat) can be used as a fuel source
  • Make it difficult for us to form a habit for exercise (if we are not "morning people")
  • Put some of us at higher risk for heart attack (research suggests a generalized increased risk)

Afternoon Exercise

Contrary to the popular belief that doing fat burning exercises in the morning is best, some research shows that the ideal time to exercise from a physiological perspective is actually in the afternoon.

Let's have a look at the pros and cons of working out in the afternoon.

Afternoon exercise pros

do fat burning exercises in the afternoon can:

  • Increase exercise performance - our body temperature is ideal & muscles at peak strength
  • Prevent injuries - our muscles are sufficiently warm and most of us are alert in the late afternoon
  • Improve performance - the circadian rhythms in our brains are in an ideal state
  • Expel our bodies of stress that has accumulated during the day
  • Give us something to look forward to before relaxing in the evening
  • Make fat burning exercises seem easier - studies show perceived exertion of exercise is lower late in the day
  • Make fat burning exercises convenient - exercising during our lunch break for example
  • Make fat burning exercises easier to "partner up" or find a workout partner
  • Can help lower the amount of food we eat - by helping us to avoid large lunches for example
  • Can help reduce the amount of food we feel like eating for dinner
  • Help us maximize our fitness and muscle size and strength - research shows 3-7 pm is best
Afternoon exercise cons

As well as having many positives, afternoon exercise does have some potential negatives.

Among them, afternoon exercise can:

  • Impose time limits which may not allow us to get in a full workout
  • Conflict with distractions and other commitments that prevent us from exercising at all
  • Research suggests lung function is worst at noon which could affect our aerobic performance
  • Gyms are usually at their busiest around 5 to 6pm making it hard to get on equipment
  • Gyms sometimes have 20 minute time limits on aerobics equipment during the afternoon
Evening Exercise

For some of us the evening is the ideal time to exercise.

According to some research studies on lung function, body rhythms, temperature and hormone levels, the best time to exercise is around 6 pm.

Here are some pros and cons of working out in the evening.


  • For most people, body temperature and hormone levels peak at 6 pm
  • Muscles are warm and flexible
  • Some of us are able to workout harder late in the day because the perceived exertion is lower
  • Can help regulate the amount of food we feel like eating for dinner
  • Late evenings don't typically have the level of disruptions or distractions as other times of the day
  • do fat burning exercises at the gym is often easier later in the evening when other members have gone home
  • Late evening workouts can de-stress us and help us turn off our brain after a day of stimulation
  • Exercising at night can make us more relaxed and tired facilitating a better night's sleep

  • Distractions and conflicting commitments are more likely in the evening than in the mornings
  • do fat burning exercises late at night may energize some of us making it difficult to get off to sleep
  • do fat burning exercises outside at night is obviously more dangerous than during the morning or afternoon
  • During summer, evenings are the hottest part of the day making it uncomfortable to exercise
  • Night exercise doesn't enjoy the "afterburn" effect - our metabolism drops when we fall asleep
The bottom line

When it comes to fat burning exercises, the bottom line is that it is more important that we workout than when we workout.

If we can't workout in the morning, or don't want to but can workout in the afternoon or evening, we should do it.

Consistency is one of the most important considerations when it comes to when we work out.

If we consistently exercise at the same time each day, our 'internal clock' will adjust in time so that we have the energy and become mentally and physical ready to workout.

This point is particularly important if we are training for a specific event.

If we are training for a fun run that is going to start at 7.30 in the morning, it is a good idea to do most of our training at this time too.

If it isn't broke, don't fix it. If you currently have an exercise time and routine that is working for you, stick with it.

The time of day may make a difference for intense exercise, but for something like an easy walk, the difference between working out in the morning, afternoon or evening is likely to be negligible at best.


Do you know what the best time to do fat burning  exercises is in order to maximize fat and weight loss?

This article examined the pros and cons of exercising at various times throughout the day in order to help us all get more from our workouts and move that much closer to achieving our weight loss goals.

Regardless of what the research says, every individual is unique, and as such, each person's body chemistry and inner clock is different. What works best for another person may not work for us. In fact, what works best for us today may change in a couple of months or years.

The most important thing about fat burning exercises is that we do some. It's far less important what we do and when we do it.

The best time for all of us to do fat burning exercises is the time that is free of interruptions, when we have sufficient energy and body temperature, and that can allow us to exercise as consistently as possible over the long term.

Good luck with your exercise and thanks for visiting

fat burning exercises could be making you fat

fat burning exercises
One of the universally accepted keys to weight loss is fat burning  exercises. Like most people I’ve always believed that one of the keys to successful weight loss is to increase the amount of exercise I do.
Despite being told this over and over again, it hasn’t always been consistent with my experience. In fact, at times I’ve lost more weight not exercising at all and recently I read about a university study that partly explained why.

Apparently a Queensland University of Technology study has found that fat burning exercises can increase some people’s craving for high-energy and sugary foods, like chocolate, donuts, biscuits, etc, which in turn prevents them from losing weight.

That’s what exercise does to me.

There is a survival mechanism in all of us called homeostasis. Basically, homeostasis means that our bodies want things to stay as they are. If we do fat burning exercises, our body tells us pretty quickly afterwards that it wants us to replace the energy we’ve just spent (and add a bit extra just in case we’re thinking of exercising again).

I’ve got some more reasons of my own why increased amounts of fat burning exercises doesn’t help some of us lose weight.

The first of those is permission. I don’t know about you, but when I’m doing fat burning  exercises regularly I reward myself, and my favourite reward is food. Ever heard that little voice in your head saying “it’s OK to have another slice of pizza, you’ve been exercising a lot lately, you deserve it”? I have a lot.

Another reason increased exercise doesn’t always show up as a lower number on the bathroom scales is that some exercise increases our muscle mass, which actually increases our weight.
I particularly like weight training and as well as making my muscles bigger and stronger, it also makes my bodyweight heavier.

Another reason many of us, including me, don’t always get the level of weight loss we expect from increased exercise is that we underestimate the amount of exercise we need to do to lose weight, and conversely overestimate the results we’re going to get from the exercise we do.

To lose 1 pound of bodyweight, or ½ kilogram, we need to burn an extra 600 calories or 2500kj per day for a week.   As you’ll see if you visit the Exercise Energy Charts, a 50kg (110lbs) person jogging for 30 minutes burns a little over 200 calories and a 100kg (220lbs) person would burn a little over 400 calories. In other words, if you weigh between 50kg and 100kg and you started jogging for 30 minutes everyday for a week, you wouldn’t even lose 1 pound or ½ kilogram. For most of us that’s a lot of effort for not much gain.

So does this all mean that none of us should be doing lot of fat burning  exercises if we want to lose weight? No. Exercise does help produce good weight loss results for some people (maybe just not me). In addition, exercise does produce a whole lot of other health related benefits, like a healthier heart and lungs, stronger muscles and bones, and it helps prevent or reverse some serious illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Exercise can also be fun and a great way to enjoy the outdoors and socialise with family and friends. Personally, I still like exercise and I plan to keep on doing it for as long as I am able, even if it doesn’t help me to lose all the weight I want.

Good luck with your weight loss and thanks for visiting

fat burning exercises in the cold

fat burning exercises
Winter is a time when many of us put on extra kilos. When it's cold and grey outside it is easy to talk ourselves into putting our weight loss and exercise programs on hold. But as we all know, the secret to losing or maintaining a healthy weight is to eat healthily and exercise regularly - even in the depths of winter!

Australian's are generally spoilt when it comes to exercising outside. Very few of us need to contemplate exercise in truly freezing weather.

In fact, the greatest risk most of us face when it comes to exercising in winter is the risk of finding something else to do instead that involves an open fire and a bottle of wine rather than attacking a walking track at the local park.

Nevertheless, there are a few things that we should keep in mind when considering exercising outside during winter that will help keep us safer, healthier, happier and more motivated than ever.

Managing Heat Loss

The biggest health concern with exercising in the cold is heat loss. When we do fat burning  exercises in cold weather we need to ensure that your body doesn't lose too much heat.

To stay suitably warm when exercising in the cold:

  • Wear a beanie or cap because most heat loss occurs from the head.
  • Keep your torso warm at all times. We can also lose a lot heat from here to.
  • Wear clothes that trap air, not sweat. Trapped air keeps us warm, trapped sweat makes us cold.
  • Avoid wearing cotton or tightly woven material close to your skin which absorb and retain moisture.
  • Invest in workout wear designed to move sweat away from the body, like 'DRI-FIT' from Nike.
  • Wear 3 or 4 layers of clothes and if exercising when wet, ensure your top layer is waterproof.
  • Keep your hands and feet warm. Cold weather causes your body to move blood away from the hands and feet towards the center of the body to warm and protect your internal organs.

Warming up

Warming up properly before exercising is important at any time, but it takes on extra significance when the weather is cold.

Cold, tight muscles can't perform well and are susceptible to injury.

A good warm up generally consists of two parts; a low intensity activity that elevates our heart rate and warms up our muscles and easy stretching.

When it's cold, it takes longer for muscles to warm up to a safe temperature. As a result, we need to increase the amount of time we allocate to warming up.

As a general guide, a slightly elevated heart rate and light perspiration are good indicators that our body has begun to warm up and we can safely stretch our muscles.

Flexibility between individuals varies greatly. But for most of us, 5 minutes of gentle stretching after a low-intensity warm up is usually sufficient most of the time. In cold weather however, our pre-exercise stretching may need to be extended to between 5 and 10 minutes, or longer if we have particularly tight or problem muscles.

Stretching is such an important part of exercising that there is sure to be at least one article dedicated to this topic on at any one time, but for now just remember these key points:

  • Never bounce when stretching.
  • Stretch s-l-o-w-l-y and steadily.
  • Hold each stretch for a slow count to 10.
  • Never stretch a muscle so far that it is causes pain.


If you find it easy to lose motivation for exercise and weight loss when the weather gets cold try one of these proven remedies:

  • Bring your workouts inside during the coldest months.
  • Buy some aerobics DVD's.
  • Take advantage of monthly memberships and join a gym. .
  • Start training with friends and family.
  • Hire a personal trainer.
  • Try something new, like yoga, Pilates, or martial arts.
  • Remember your goals.

Finally, if you're new to fat burning  exercises or you have any health problems that you suspect may limit your ability to exercise in cold weather safely, always consult a doctor first